Why Use an Unclaimed Property Locator Service

Arsenal Asset Recovery can help located funds hidden by the government.


Arsenal Asset Recovery

2/20/20231 min read

two women talking while looking at laptop computer
two women talking while looking at laptop computer

Unclaimed property firms like Arsenal Asset Recovery are essential in helping individuals or businesses locate funds held by government agencies. We specialize in auditing various databases and records to locate unclaimed property and monies, then locate the rightful owner to alert them of the funds. We then file the appropriate forms to recover the funds before they are forfeited to the government.

There are several reasons why someone may choose to work with Arsenal Asset Recovery to locate funds.

For example:

  1. Lack of time or resources: Searching for unclaimed property can be a time-consuming and challenging task. AARCO has the necessary expertise, resources, and tools to conduct a thorough search quickly and efficiently to locate and audit government funds purposefully hidden by government agencies.

  2. Lack of knowledge: The average American is not aware that they have unclaimed property or how to go about finding it. AARCO has experience and knowledge in the claim process, not giving the government agencies reason to prolong the application process and eventually denying the claimant's right to their money.

  3. Difficulty locating property: Some types of unclaimed property, such as stocks and bonds, can be challenging to locate. AARCO has access to specialized databases and resources that locate these types of assets.

  4. Cost-effective: AARCO works on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only get paid if we are successful in locating and recovering funds for our clients. This makes it a win for our clients! It is a cost-effective way for our clients who may not have the funds to pay upfront for a search and recovers unexpected monies they may never know of otherwise.

If you have received correspondence from Arsenal Asset Recovery, we believe we have located significant unclaimed property owed to you. Remembering that time is of the essence, contacting our office can put unclaimed funds in your pocket that would otherwise go unclaimed.

Call us at 833-445-2800, and we can go through the claim process before time runs out!